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Ride in Style to Super Bowl LVIII with RideCar – Where Luxury Meets the Big Game
News Author:
RideCar Team

Ride in Style to Super Bowl LVIII with RideCar – Where Luxury Meets the Big Game

"Ride in Style to Super Bowl LVIII with RideCar – Where Luxury Meets the Big Game"

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Southwest Airlines' Record Fine: A Turning Point in Airline Accountability

Southwest Airlines' Historic Settlement: Redefining Air Travel Accountability and Consumer Rights

Southwest Airlines' Historic Settlement: Redefining Air Travel Accountability and Consumer Rights!

December 20, 2023
News author:
RideCar Team
Some airline pilots carry plane trading cards — do you know how to get one?

Did you know that certain airline pilots have aircraft trading cards? Here's how you can obtain one.

Are you aware that many airline pilots carry special aircraft trading cards as a unique memento? These collectible cards, featuring various airplane models, are a fun keepsake for aviation enthusiasts. If you're curious about how to get your hands on one of these trading cards, read on for some helpful tips.

December 3, 2023
News author:
Richard Becker
American Airlines: Redefining Regional Air Travel with High-Speed WiFi Connectivity

American Airlines: Redefining Regional Air Travel with High-Speed WiFi Connectivity

American Airlines Embarks on a High-Speed WiFi Revolution for Regional Aircraft

December 3, 2023
News author:
Richard Becker

Navigating 2023 Gridlock Alert Days in New York City

New York City's Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) marks certain days as Gridlock Alert Days, anticipating higher traffic volumes than usual. These days are typically aligned with major city events, public holidays, or significant increases in tourism. The idea is to encourage city dwellers and visitors to opt for transportation alternatives other than personal vehicles to alleviate traffic congestion and minimize environmental impact.

November 26, 2023
News author:
Evelyn Waters
United Airlines Introduces Enhanced Boarding Process for Faster and Smoother Travel Experience

United Airlines Introduces Enhanced Boarding Process for Faster and Smoother Travel Experience

United Airlines is revamping its boarding process for more efficient travel. Starting on October 26, passengers seated in window and middle seats will board earlier. The procedure will still begin with pre-boarding for various groups, followed by premium cabins and status holders. This adjustment aims to expedite the boarding process and improve passengers' overall experience. United is also enhancing its app to provide rebooking options in case of delays or cancellations, along with meal and accommodation requests.

October 16, 2023
News author:
Evelyn Waters